1 TV Monitor with Aerial, Amplifier, DVD Player with a USB Connection, Microphones,
Keyboard, Lectern, 2 Speakers, Switch Box for connecting PC’s or Mobile
Phones. White Board or Flip Board available.
Room available for using:
Laptops, DVD, WIFI, Live TV, Mobile Ph. IPads, USB, Ext Drives, Keyboard.
Ideal for:
Business Meetings, Networking Groups, Management or Staff meetings, Community Groups, Rotary, Yoga, Aerobics, Sport Groups, Musical Groups, etc.
Can be joined with Avoca Room to double its size: Avoca-Saratoga Room.
Click the Blue Book Me Button Below for the hours you need to book.
You can book from 1hr to 8hr Periods (Sessions) per day.
Select “Your Number of Sessions” (days & dates) you want to book.
Select the dates and starting times for each Day/Date).
Check list of dates & times “Selected” under the calendar are correct.
If any incorrect then delete them by clicking the little red bin.
Re-Book the deleted dates and times. Re-check list.
If all correct, then Click the Blue BOOK ME Button.
Fill out the form that appears. All details must be completed.
Click the BOOK ME button at bottom of form.
This will take you to PayPal where you can pay the Rent amount by Credit Card or your PayPal account.
When booking completed you will be redirected back to the booking page to pay the Room Bond which is the last button below.
You can book one date or multiple dates using this New Calendar.😊
If Day or Time unavailable Email: angkin@bigpond.net.au
Anglican Community Church Kincumber
Service times
If you'd like to visit one of our services, just check out our list of Service times. to find out when and where they are happening throughout the week!
Facing the past: Shaping a Healthy Future
Both the Kincumber Anglican Parish and the Diocese of Newcastle are committed to bringing institutional abuse to light. If you or someone you know has experienced abuse at the hands of the church, we urge you to contact police, or visit this website.
Can we pray for you?
Is there something going on in your life that you need help with? Maybe you want to thank God for something?
Click here and let us know how we can be praying for you!